Story and a Sketch

Been a short New York minute since my last update. Story and a Sketch came out of nowhere like all good ideas do. How many times as an Artist have I been asked or any other artist for that matter. “Where did the idea come from”. In this case pretty simple, I take from my travel journals, sketches and put together this new fantastic idea! You as the great Art consumers you are like to take your info like your morning cup o joe. You take in what you read and like to look at cool drawings or stuff whatever it may be. So I have provided you a couple cool ways of you gathering all my stuff the way you like it. If you have the need for the Kinestetic, I have lots of sculpture too, but thats another story. These are my personal ones for you to enjoy.

Road Trip! SE Asia one more time

Just back from almost two full months SE Asia. Started in Bangkok, Thailand check stuff out eat soup get used to the heat. Cambodia and temple tours, talk about the heat, start early sip coconut juice right from the nut. Vietnam once again, HCMC to Vung Tau and north up the coast till I hit Da Nang. Things have changed, common thread everywhere to include rest of world? Cell phone hangs from everyone’s hand or stuck in face. I learned a lot in my travels, being nice goes a long way every single time.