Wow! What happened to 2020?

Obviously I have neglected to post recent Art happenings. With the current COVID-19 pandemic I’ve been closed in like the rest of you. Late March 2020 I relocated my welding equipment back home, rebuilt new work bench and went to work, from home. Fast forward to end of June I totally rebuilt back portion of Copper Quad Art Car. Out with the old granny seat, in with a new racing Recaro seat! With that came a new design and name for machine on door. Using 3/16” cold roll steel rod I formed up the trunk design. Welded steel to steel which makes for a most excellent weld. Then came time for making a ton of steel rivet tabs, then welded on @ 5/32” rivet. Artwork of course had to be added to all panels and took a considerable amount of time to do. All by hand with a few hammers, punches, awls and engraver. Trunk had to open to access the two new Lithium 52 volt batteries. I installed a 1 - 2 switch to switch from battery 1 to battery 2. You have to manually check battery charge. With the trunk recently completed my goal has been achieved. Goal: Make reliable human power / electric assist transpo. I did and have been riding back and forth to work. Mission Accomplished!